1941 – Draft Constitution

Article I – Name –

The name of this organization shall be THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION.

Article II – Purpose –

The purpose of the NFFF shall be:

  1. To unite all local fan clubs and solitary fans into a single organization capable of making single decisions representative of the majority.
  2. To prevent confusion and misunderstanding among fans, and to prevent bulldozing of fandom by minority groups or cliques.
  3. To sponsor and help finance worthy fan projects with the exception of subscription fanmags, or any projects not wholly amateur in intent.
  4. To better conditions within fandom and STF by speaking approval or disapproval of outstanding conditions in a strong and united voice.
  5. To provide an efficient administration of this federation, based on the democratic theory of self-government.
  6. Rather than to interfere with, or to attempt to supersede, present local clubs and specialized organizations within their own provinces, to co-operate with and assist said organization whenever possible.

Article III – Membership –

Any interested party may become a member if he or she can meet any two of the following qualifications:

  1. Give proof of activity in the fan field with a list of two or more credentials, easily verifiable, such as literary, artistic, or other journalistic endeavor, attendance of conventions, membership in other organizations, etc. Further definition of activity shall be left to the discretion of the Advisory Board.
  2. Secure the recommendation in writing of three incumbent members residing in different states from that of the prospective member.
  3. Pass an examination testing the prospective member’s knowledge of science or fantasy fiction and fandom. Tests shall be graded by percentage of correct answers and the passing mark shall be 70%.

Article IV – Finances –

It shall be decided on the first ballot of NFFF whether there shall be dues and the amount of such or a system of taxation and appropriation.

Article V – Officers –

The officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and an Advisory Board of five.

Article VI – Duties of Officers –

  1.  The President shall direct the activities of the federation; appoint members to fill vacated offices until next election; appoint auxiliary officials to fulfill duties not provided for elsewhere, or to help in the execution of various offices; be the official voice of the NFFF in decisions involving contacts outside the organization; and perform such duties as evolve upon an executive officer. He shall have all necessary powers to deal with such situation as not covered by this constitution or subsequent amendments.
  2. The Vice-President shall take over the President’s office in case it shall be vacated; be the President’s consultant and adviser; edit and publish Bonfire, the official organ of the NFFF; and assist the President in the execution of his office as is needful.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of the membership and all activities of the Federation; collect and record all payment and non-payment of authorized dues, taxes, or appropriations; distribute and count the official organ if the Vice-President is unable to do so; and perform all duties of a similar nature which are required of him.
  4. The Advisory Board shall investigate the credentials of all prospective members; devise the examinations; act as a check on the other officers; and act as a judiciary of the federation. The President may veto any decision of the Board, after which a four-fifths majority of the Board will be necessary to override the veto. All decisions of the Board must be submitted to the President before the decisions become final.
  5. If both the Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be usable to edit and/or publish the official organ, a special officer shall be appointed from volunteers by the President.

Article VII – Privileges –

All members in good standing shall be entitled to run for office, vote in all election, receive all official publication, use the name of the organization on stationery, letterheads, or any other honorable way, be granted appropriations for the furtherance of approved NFFF projects; and participate in all other activities or benefits.

Article VIII – Elections –

  1. Elections shall be held by mail. Candidates for offices shall secure their nomination by filing their intentions, signed by ten members, with the Secretary-Treasurer at least one month before the date of elections. All votes to be counted shall be on hand with the Secretary-Treasurer three weeks after the ballots are mailed. All votes received after the closing date shall not be counted.
  2. To be elected to office, a candidate must receive a sufficient number of votes cast to equal the majority of the entire membership. Otherwise a recount shall be required, and if checking with original count, a second election shall be held.
  3. Candidates for re-election shall be required to obtain signatures of twenty members for their nominations.
  4. If a member cannot show the Secretary-Treasurer good reason for failing to vote in three consecutive elections, said member shall be suspended from all activity in the NFFF, unless he shall be reinstated by unanimous consent of the Advisory Board.
  5. Balloting shall be secret unless a majority of the membership shall request an open ballot to be declared by the President or some other officer, should the President also be mistrusted.

Article IX – Amendments –

Amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed in writing, signed by five members. The original shall be sent to the President, and copies to other officers. Such amendments shall be voted on at the next election, unless the President shall order a special vote. A majority vote of the entire membership shall be necessary for the adoption of amendments.

Article X – Expulsions –

  1.  Any officer or member may be expelled from the organization by a majority vote of the entire membership. Any member (not officer) may be expelled by unanimous vote of all the officers.
  2. Any member exposed as using a pseudonym or fictitious character as another member in order to vote for himself or for any reason submitting said pseudonym as an actual member of the NFFF, shall be expelled immediately from office, and from membership also if the remaining membership votes

(Written by Art Widner, Jr., May 8, 1941)