N3F Special Publications

Since the 1940s we’ve issued many special publications, including several full-size books. Below is a list of some of the publications available on this site to read or download in PDF form.

We also publish fanzines. Currently there are nine of these these. The National Fantasy Fan (TNFF), originally called “Bonfire”, has been published since June 1941. N’APA, our APA, was founded in 1959. Tightbeam (TB) (originally called “Hyperspace Tightbeam”) started in 1960. Other N3F zines include Ionisphere (author and fan interviews), Mangaverse (anime, comics, manga), Eldritch Science (fiction), Origin (fannish history and research), Films Fantasic (films), and The N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono. The available back issues may be seen under the drop-down list “N3F Fanzines”.

We are attempting to create a complete set of back issues in the form of electronic files. The support of readers in filling the gaps in our collection would be most appreciated. Please contact us at N3FPresident@TNFFF.org if you can help.

N3F Fandbooks

The word “fandbook” is a portmanteau, a combo of fan+handbook, and its purpose is exactly what it sounds like – pointers from veteran fans to new fans.

# Subject Year Contributor(s)
1 A Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom  1962 Donald Franson
2  The Amateur Press Associations of Science-Fiction Fandom  1962 Bob Lichtman
3 Some Historical Facts about Science-fiction Fandom 1962 Donald Franson
4 The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund 1963 Len Moffatt & Ron Ellik
5  Pseudonyms of Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror Authors  2010 Jon Swartz
6  The Hugo Awards for Best Novel  2013 Jon Swartz
7 The Nebula Awards for Best Novel 2016 Jon Swartz
8 Founders of the National Fantasy Fan Federation 2020 Jon Swartz and George Phillies

N3F Fandom Guides

As a follow-up to Fandbooks, the N3F started printing up Fan guides to hand out at WorldCons to welcomes new members in the 1970s. This tradition continues today.

Year Editor
1973 Stan Woolston
1978 Donald Franson
2005 Ruth R. Davidson
2007 Ruth R. Davidson
2013 David Speakman


Since the 1940s, the N3F has published various index listings. A few available in PDF are below.

Year Subject Contributor
1947  An Index of Various Fantasy Publications  Darrell C. Richardson
1948  Scienti-Fant & Weird Mag Index  
1950 Fantasy Pseudonyms Arthur H. Rapp, editor


Other special pubs available for viewing online include the following.

Year Title Subject
1986  Neffer a Bad Batch  Cookbook


A Sea of Stars Like Diamonds is our 75th Anniversary Commemorative Volume of short stories. It’s available from standard internet sources.