Eldritch Science

Eldritch Science is our fiction, poetry, and art zine. Several decades ago, it was published by George Phillies as his personal fiction zine. It has now been revived as an N3F publication, with one or two issues a year being expected. Editorial standards are high. Phillies recalls that a significant challenge with the first series of his zine was losing authors to major publishing houses. “They cheated! They paid their authors money!” he laments.

Eldritch Science publishes fiction by fans, but not fan fiction. Tales of the master detective and his faithful amanuensis are welcome. Tales of Holmes and Watson–someone else’s universe–are not, regardless of the fine details of copyright laws.

Submissions should be sent to the Editor, George Phillies, phillies@4liberty.net.

2017George PhilliesApril1
2018George PhilliesMarch2
2018George PhilliesNovember3
2019George PhilliesApril4
2020George PhilliesMarch5
2020George PhilliesOctober6
2021George PhilliesMay7
2022George PhilliesApril8
2022George PhilliesOctober9
2023George PhilliesJune10
2024George PhilliesApril11
2024Jean-Paul GarnierJuly12
2025George PhilliesJanuary13
2025G. Steven Condrey