TNFF 8.2

TNFF 8.2[eztable width=”60%”]
TNFF 8.2 | April-May, 1949
Theme| The Fan of the Month
Editor| Ray C. Higgs
Contributors| K Martin Carlson, Rick Sneary, Florence S. Anderson, Arthur H. Rapp, Harry B. Moore, W. Leslie Hudson, R. H. Ramsey, Dale Tarr, Ray C. Higgs
Direct Link|
Donated by|David Speakman


1 Fan of the Month: K Martin Carlson
3 Chairman’s Report – Board of Director’s by Rick Sneary
4 Women’s Auxiliary by Florence S. Anderson
5 “Operation Bridgehead” Cinvention by Arthur H. Rapp
6 Pro Member Bureau Report by Harry B. Moore
7 Secretary-Treasurer’s Report by W. Leslie Hudson
8 Welcom Report by K. Martin Carlson
8 Special Publication: Philcon Memory Book report by K.M.Carlson
9 IF! (Public Relations Report) by Art Rapp
10 Officer Listing
10 Fantasy Fan-Fare Meeting – Berkeley
11 Suggestion Box
11 LoC: R. H. Ramsey
12 President’s Message by Dale Tarr
12 Editor’s Report

TNFF 5.4

TNFF 5.4
[eztable width=”60%”]
TNFF 5.4| June 1946
Theme|Proposed Constitution by Burton Crane
Editor| Milton A. Rothman
Contributors| Walter Dunkleberger, Milton A. Rothman, K. Martin Carlson, Art Widner, Burton Crane, Jack Speer, Dale Tarr
Direct Link|
Donated by|David Speakman


  • President’s Message by Walter Dunkleberger
  • Editor’s Message by Milton A. Rothman
  • Welcom Report by K. Martin Carlson
  • Treasurer’s Report by Art Widner
  • Proposed Constitution by Burton Crane
  • Criticism of proposed constitution and Counter Proposal by Jack Speer
  • President’s Commentary of proposed constitutions by Walter Dunkleberger
  • Secretary’s Message and Official Roster of Members by Art Widner
  • Letter to Membership by Dale Tarr

Bonfire 3.2

Bonfire 3-2[eztable width=”60%”]
Bonfire Vol. 3, No. 2| June 1942
Theme|Organization, Elections
Editor| E. Everett EVans
Cover Image| Jack Wiedenbeck
Contributors| E. Everett Evans, R.D. Swisher, Walter Dunkelberger
Direct Link|
Donated by| David Speakman

Bonfire Volume 3, No. 2, Ed. by E. E. Evans, Published by Walter DunkelBurger

Cover art, Jack Wiedenbeck, p. 1
Letter from the President – pp. 1-4, 10.
List of Officers – p. 5
“Where to Buy Fan Books and Magazines” – p. 5
Copyright Bureau Report, R. D. Swisher – p. 6
Report of the Sec’y-Treas., Walter Dunkelburger, pp. 7-9