
Yes, welcome to FrankinZine, the publication of the N3F Franking Bureau.  The original purpose of the N3F was to serve as a zine distribution service.  FanZine Editors would send us a bundle of copies of their zine, we would sort them into subscriber stacks, and once a month the subscriber would receive his month’s supply of fanzines, all in one envelope.  Period peculiarities in postal rates meant that this circulation scheme was actually very positive financially for subscribers, at least if the human labor at the sorting point was viewed as costing nothing.  The Franking Service rapidly expired of its internal contradictions.

Some years ago, we revived the Service.  We would get zines in the email and with some regularity re-email them to the membership, our fellow fen.  Alas, modern advances (I use the word loosely) in spam blockades meant that the  presence of the zines, the attachments, would trigger all sorts of bad events, so we had to stop doing that. 

Various issues caused delays, but we now have the solution at hand: FrankinZine!  Every so often, we will take a bunch of new fanzines, combine them into a ZIP file, and put them up on this web site as the latest issue of FrankinZineFrankinZine will only be available as a downloadable ZIP file. Notice will be given of which zines are within each zip file, so that you can download them at your leisure.  In the near future, we have a lot of catchup to do, so FrankinZine will appear here regularly.

DateIssue NumberCollatorIn This Issue
May 20241George PhilliesThis Here71, This Here 72, Shooting my Cuffs 11 MT VOID: 2282, 2307,2308,2309,2311,2312,2314,2317,2318
June 20242George PhilliesMT VOID 2319, Cyber Cozen March 2024, Instant Message March 2024, Shooting my Cuffs 12, Instant Message Boskone 61 DeBrief, MT Void 2322, Obdurate Eye 38, Cyber Cozen April 2024, Space Cowboy Accretion #7, De Profundis 596
July 20243George
Cyber Cozen May 2024, Typo King 88, Instant Message May, This Here 75, STF Amateur 9, De Profundis 598, Space Cowboy’s Accretion 9, Obdurate Eye 40, MT Void 331
July 20244George PhilliesInstant Message, Blue Moon Special, Cyber Cozen, De Profundis, MT VOID, Sondar, Space Cowboy’s Accretion, This Here, The STF Amateur
August 20245George PhilliesCyber Cozen July, De Profundis – August; MT Void 2336, 2339, Obdurate Eye 41, Obdurate Eye 42, This Here 77, Typo King 90
September 20246George PhilliesRhyme 6, MT VOID 2344, Obdurate Eye 43, Space Cowboy’s Accretion 12, This Here 78, The STF Amateur 12
7George Phillies
October 2024 8George Phillies
November 20249George Phillies
December 202410George PhilliesMTVOID 2352 , STF Amateur 14, Obdurate Eye 45, Space Cowboy’s Accretion 14, MT Void 2354, Cyber Cozen October 2024, Cyber Cozen November 2024, AI Podcast of Cyber Cozen November 2024, This Here 81
January 202411George Phillies
January 202412George Phillies